
It’s now official, the rights and lives of US citizens are secondary to the god of money. Trump does not want to lose an arms contract (he says is worth 118 billion – read 14 billion as yet unsigned) with Saudi Arabia just because they murdered and dismembered a US journalist. When money becomes a more important asset than the lives of the citizens of that country, the citizens are less than second class.  Saudi Arabia 1- US citizens nil!

Adding to the conflicting rhetoric of the administration, anti Muslim sentiment is rife within the White House but they support the country which builds and finances Wahhabism doctrine schools all over the world. The very source of fundamentalist Muslim doctrine, turning out brain washed adherents to a version of the Koran which rejects human rights as we know and understand them. These ‘graduates’ are the very people the administration rail against – yet support with weapons and money. Maybe the scoreboard should read Saudi Arabia 2 – US citizens nil!

Just my thoughts!

Media Folly

Media Folly. The tragic death of the young Israeli girl in Melbourne has reopened a journalistic problem I have with the Australian media. The girl and her father have both been referred to as Israeli Arabs. As opposed to what? Israeli Indians, Israeli Caucasians, Israeli Asians. Either they are Israelis or they are not. Unless my geographical and ethnicity history is flawed, the population of the region are all Arab (except for the imports). This reporting is as stupid as the very common Jews and Arabs rhetoric. Arabs are an ethnic race, Jews are adherents to the Jewish religion. Let’s try to keep apples with apples. Divisive reporting and media propaganda bring to mind Rwanda, The Baltic’s, Germany and all the other places where atrocities were committed because neighbors were told they were different.   

Just my thoughts!


Many people believe we have Extraterrestrials living among us – I have a theory. Having attempted to fill out government forms I am of the opinion we do have aliens in our midst. They  are gainfully employed in the public service sector designing  and constructing forms for the rest of us to fill in, and then manning the phones to make sure we cannot do it. An example, I needed to apply for a registration number to allow me to access certain government forms, fine, after diligently filling out what felt like 93 pages of non relevant information I went to the next page – ‘Please enter your registration number’ . Ok that is for people who already have a rego number, so I will go to the next page – wrong, one has to enter the registration number to access the next page.

Hang on! I am applying for the rego number. I decided to call the associated department and was put on hold. With the phone on speaker, I swept, mopped and vacuumed the house, painted a feature wall in the bedroom and watched a series on Netflix. Finally a voice. I explained the situation and was bluntly informed everyone has a number. Where would I find my number I asked. ‘Don’t know was the reply, you should take better care of your personal details. How do I go about retrieving my number and from which government department? ‘You get it from this department by filling out a form’. Which form? ‘The one you have been filling out’. May I speak to someone who not only speaks English but also understands it? Hello! Hello! Yep, aliens. 

Just my thoughts!

Israel, The greatest Folly

The greatest folly of the 20th century was the creation of the state of Israel – without creating a Palestinian state at the same time. The world has paid an enormous price and will continue to pay until a settlement is achieved. But to do that certain parties must be excluded from the process. Israel has a standard of living higher than Spain but is still the largest recipient of US aid. This does not take into account the non repayable ‘loans’ relating to arms – billions of dollars. Delete the US from the table, at the very least a conflict of interest.

Just my thoughts!


The Dream Folly.

‘Let’s call her Paula’ The lady has a Freudian dream, in the dream Australia has a  government Paula does not agree with, they promote a foreign religion and different customs. Fearing reprisals she pays her life savings to people smugglers for her passage on an overcrowded leaky boat to NZ.

Upon arrival she seeks asylum – as is her right. She is neither an immigrant nor are her actions illegal. She is granted a temporary visa whilst waiting her review for refugee status.

In the meantime she is given humanitarian aid in the way of shelter, food and other necessities.

Waking from the dream a hot cup of Milo is in order.

Drifting back to sleep, the dream changes tempo. No longer is she housed in acceptable quarters, but finds herself in a concentration camp. It looks just like the one at Woomera. Razor wire and guards. Her requests for information are met with the standard ‘you will be told in due course’.

When  a newspaper does reach the facility and is passed around, Paula is disgusted to read the letters to the editor section. Writer after writer does not want the asylum seekers on their land. Send them home – send them anywhere! They are subversive and alien. They want to change the local way of life. Talk back radio echoes the theme. The newcomers are labeled illegal immigrants. They are accused of receiving welfare benefits that should be given to locals.

Waking from this dream, a scotch is required.

Back to sleep and a new set of circumstances. The leaky boat is intercepted by a gun boat one hundred miles off  the NZ coast. The people are supplied with food, water and fuel and told to turn back. As the government refuses to supply information regarding the wellbeing of the asylum seekers, and monitoring is at a minimum, no one will ever know where or when they drowned.

Paula is lucky, she can wake up from the nightmare.

While the politicians and media keep the pressure on to maintain the paranoid xenophobic bigotry, the immediate issues are relegated to the too hard basket. For example, in Australia a woman is eighty thousand times more likely to be killed, maimed, seriously injured or mentally abused (conservative – there are eighty thousand calls to help centres each year by domestic violence sufferers) by her partner each year, than she is to be a victim of an attack by a foreign source. For a child, make that nearly fifty thousand times. No one wants to tackle real issues hence the aiming at soft targets. A redirected anger at the issues in the hard basket would be much more appropriate and palatable to the thinking populace.

A terrorist is one who terrorises, one who causes or instigates terror. The wife and child bash-artists, the meth fueled road rage morons and the drunken gutter thugs are the ever present current threat. They are a much greater danger to the well being of ordinary Australians than radical insurgents.

Just my thoughts!

Hand-me down religions.

Religious Folly! When we saw a child carrying the head of a murdered person on the TV and in the print media, who amongst you automatically thought the child was Muslim? Children are baptised into the Christian religions, they undergo other rituals in other religions and are supposedly born into yet other religions or are automatically accepted as members of religions. Sorry but the idea is blatantly ridiculous. A religious person is one who is mature enough to firmly believe in the god of their choice, not the choice of their parents or anyone else. Teaching religious doctrine to a child should be child abuse unless the child is taught the basic concepts of all religions. A child born into a Jewish family is not a Jew. The same applies to the Muslim faiths. I imagine most Christian families believe their children are of the same religion as themselves, not so until the child reaches a mature understanding of the religion and embraces it. 

Just my thoughts!

North Korea

North Korea Folly! I’m still surprised at the number of people who believe Trump initiated the talks with Kim Jon-un, when the opposite is true. If one follows the timeline of missile deployment in Nth Korea and the public statements by their leader, the invitation to talks only happened after Kim Jon-un declared his countries objectives had been realised. That was when he sent his envoys to the US. Nth Korea was never a threat to the US or anybody else simply because there are 27 manned US bases in South Korea, just spitting distance away, and 84 manned US bases in Japan – just a short throw away. Kim is not stupid, nor is he suicidal. He is however well aware and well versed in playing political games with the US. He can negotiate a treaty or MOU knowing full well he does not have to abide by the document after the first page. Why? because the other signatory has no intention of keeping up their end of the contract. In short the terms dictated Nth Korea dismantles the rocket sites, (mostly done) and starts to denuclearize, best estimate is ten years from now if both sides play ball. Not going to happen. Kim’s wish list is the lifting of sanctions and the withdrawal of the military bases in the south. Trump has mentioned the withdrawal (so did jimmy carter) but the lifting of sanctions is not in the interests of the US.  

Just my thoughts!

Two Party Folly

Yippee! Another election! (The folly of believing in a two party race – which it is not). Another year for the ‘hung bunnies’ to do their thing. And what you may ask is a hung bunny? The best explanation I have heard was in Melbourne in early 1970 when a gathering of the Young Libs were being addressed by a senior Lib member. (May have been Robert Southey). His talk went something like this.

“The greatest asset of any political party is the hung bunny. A rabbit is a source of sustenance – food, the fur is great for gloves and even coats – comfort, they are placid and easy to control when held in captivity. For a political party the HBs can be relied on for their vote – sustenance, for their loyalty – comfort, for their belief in the decisions of the party regardless of how inane – they are placid and controllable”.

He went on to say those listening could be bunnies or take an active role in the party, remembering the people portrayed on the front pages of the media as the public faces of the party were not necessarily the ones making the big decisions, in fact some were just high profile hung bunnies.

“The greatest danger to a major party is the election of smaller parties with public awareness platforms because they can use their influence to achieve their objectives by negotiation. If the Australian population ever wake up to the power of these parties we are in trouble, because, we are not in the business of being the fairy godmother to the populace, we are here to govern as we see fit”. He continued with, “The prosperity of a country is determined by business and the population, not by governments. The latter are good at restricting and controlling growth, they are not good at growth promotion”.

Bring on public awareness platforms, such as, domestic violence, animal cruelty, climate education, river quality, corporate greed etc. etc.