Hand-me down religions.

Religious Folly! When we saw a child carrying the head of a murdered person on the TV and in the print media, who amongst you automatically thought the child was Muslim? Children are baptised into the Christian religions, they undergo other rituals in other religions and are supposedly born into yet other religions or are automatically accepted as members of religions. Sorry but the idea is blatantly ridiculous. A religious person is one who is mature enough to firmly believe in the god of their choice, not the choice of their parents or anyone else. Teaching religious doctrine to a child should be child abuse unless the child is taught the basic concepts of all religions. A child born into a Jewish family is not a Jew. The same applies to the Muslim faiths. I imagine most Christian families believe their children are of the same religion as themselves, not so until the child reaches a mature understanding of the religion and embraces it. 

Just my thoughts!

4 thoughts on “Hand-me down religions.”

  1. Religion is something that must be to be pushed (rather than passed) down the generational line today, as no modern human is likely to construct these belief systems in the science driven, technologically advanced world we live in today. Religion was used to explain what we couldn’t…as a ‘choice’ it wouldn’t have survive without the forced, top down pressure.

    1. Thank you! We still have tens of thousands if not millions still believing the book of Genesis to be factual. Lot of education to be done yet. Still a lot of top down pressure.

  2. I loved religious studies at school because I was able to learn about all religions and I found it fascinating. I liked bits out of them all and found most to have a core of love however they all had bits that seemed insane and ridiculous. I don’t believe just because you are religious you can get away with being a shit human and then just repent. That to me doesn’t make you a good person, it makes you a person who needs a religion to stand behind for when you stuff up – as we all do. I do not believe in religious schools and I don’t believe religion is the way to building a world of tolerance and respect.

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