Iran shoots down one of its own commercial aircraft. After initial denials, it has claimed responsibility for the catastrophe and has arrested persons responsible.
Go back to July 3rd 1988. Captain Rogers of the USS Vincennes a US Frigate warship in the gulf, fires two surface to air missiles and blows Iran Air IR655, a commercial daily flight, with 290 passengers on board, out of the air. ” No arrests, only fabricated stories to get themselves off the hook. After changing their story multiple times the Pentagon lost all and any credibility when their reports were ridiculed by on the spot witnesses and reports. When Ronald Reagan finally apologized “Our expressions of regret are enough” he stated. (This is the same Reagan who is responsible for people in the west believing Iran started the war with Iraq, he repeated it so many times it became fact for the masses). (It seems being a consummate and compulsive liar may just be part of the US Presidents job description).
Vice president Bush told the UN security council, the ‘Vincennes’ was rushing to the aid of a merchant ship under attack – an absolute lie!
To say it was an accident would be to gloss over the facts and replace them with a fairytale. Even the captain (David Carlson) of the sister ship, the ‘USS Sides’, says Rogers must have known it was a commercial flight, one flown every day. Both ships received the same information, the ‘Sides’ correctly identified the craft as did an Italian ship nearby.
To add insult to injury as it were, the good people of Vincennes Indiana raised money, not for the families of those massacred, but to erect a monument to the ship of the same name. When the ship returned to American soil, the crew were given a hero’s welcome and awarded combat action medals. Probably not the first time a statue has been erected to commemorate a mass murder.
‘Newsweek’, an Irish newspaper and (I believe) an Israeli newspaper were the only media to report the facts. The rest of the world relied on the BS and edited versions of the story. (All references to US fault were deleted). Western media making sure the Iranian side of the story would never make it to the populace.