
It’s now official, the rights and lives of US citizens are secondary to the god of money. Trump does not want to lose an arms contract (he says is worth 118 billion – read 14 billion as yet unsigned) with Saudi Arabia just because they murdered and dismembered a US journalist. When money becomes a more important asset than the lives of the citizens of that country, the citizens are less than second class.  Saudi Arabia 1- US citizens nil!

Adding to the conflicting rhetoric of the administration, anti Muslim sentiment is rife within the White House but they support the country which builds and finances Wahhabism doctrine schools all over the world. The very source of fundamentalist Muslim doctrine, turning out brain washed adherents to a version of the Koran which rejects human rights as we know and understand them. These ‘graduates’ are the very people the administration rail against – yet support with weapons and money. Maybe the scoreboard should read Saudi Arabia 2 – US citizens nil!

Just my thoughts!